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What I'm Thinking

The Official Blog

   (This is the part where I write)

     Okay, I feel like the first entry has to be amazing and enthralling. It probably won't be, but sometimes less excitement is better than a ton of it. What a nice segue into this: Right now is finals week for me. It's definitely more excitement than I want. I have papers to write as I write this, but this writing is so much more fun. Did you follow that? Me neither. Anyway, I am going to start off with how I came up with the name for my blog. I spent a lot of time working on a clever name that portrayed who I am, what I believe and what I am working to accomplish. I really think the one I chose does all three. Here's why:

    I am a big believer in destiny. I think that though people agonize over one decision or another, in the end it doesn't matter what the decision is. We may not know it, but our life has a set path already. We think we have control, but we really don't in the whole scheme of things. Without getting too much into faiths or religions, I believe there is a higher power that knows what is best for each person and has already planned his or her life. With this thinking, I can be at peace with every decision I make. Although it can be unclear if it is the right one at the time, I look at where I am in my life now and realize things are going pretty well for me. If I haven't screwed up any decisions thus far in life, there has to be someone or something helping me along the way. I am confident I chose the right college, confident I am pursuing the right major, and confident I am dating the right person. I couldn't really say any of that if I felt like I was on my own. That is how I decided on The Write Time. The Write Place. I believe everyone is where they should be at this moment and all the ones that will follow. Though that place may change in the future, it does not mean the past was wrong; it just means that person needed that past to get to where they are going. On a lighter note, I just thought the "Write" part was clever. ;)

   With this blog, I also hope to keep my friends and family updated on my life, and especially on my upcoming trip to Italy. If I can document each day on here with some words and pictures, I will be very proud of myself. These entries will be found under My Travels page, so be sure to check there coming up at the end of May. 

    This is going to be a shorter entry this time because, like I said, it's finals week, and that means PANIC MODE! I honestly do not know how often I will be updating this. I would prefer not to write on here just to write. When I have something to say, I'll add it. When I don't, I won't. This philosophy is probably the reason I'm not a Twitter user. 

  In a way, it feels weird to write this. I don't even know if anyone will read it. If someone is reading it, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I will promise to try and not waste your time. If you are a fellow writer or grammarian, let's be friends. If you are really committed, I would love a pen pal. Sorry, I'm rambling. All right, it is time for me to get back to my essays and tests. Until next time: Write on, friends!


​    Well, Finals are finally over (haha). I am back home, but not for long. Tonight I am leaving to go stay with some family near the airport I will depart: beginning my trip to Rome. All of those updates can be found in the Travel Journal part of my blog, so if you want to keep updated on what I am doing (with pictures!) look there. Right now, I want to reflect a little on my first year of college. â€‹
   First off, I want to say that it was a great year. I was incredibly nervous to leave home, and begin going to school without the familiarity of family or my home town. Looking back now, leaving home was one of the best decisions I have ever made. That may sound bad, but I don't mean it that way. College allowed me to escape from the influence of people I had been surrounded with since birth, and go out on my own to discover who I am. I found out a lot of surprising things I did not even know about me. That alone makes the college experience worth every penny. 
  Second, I met so many new people. The diversity college offers is so great compared to my hometown. It is good to be exposed to other cultures and different types of people because it only adds to the learning experience. For example, in my speech class there were many people from China, Taiwan, and Nigeria. When we gave speeches where the topics were student chosen, the things I learned about each person and where they came from was just as valuable as the speaking class itself. College broadens horizons and opens eyes to what other people call "normal life". 
   Third, I met this amazing guy who I am lucky enough to call my boyfriend. I will spare you the story of how we met and all that other sappy stuff, but my first year of college could never have been as enjoyable had I not met him. In fact, we would have never met had I not pushed aside my fears and went off to college. To be given the opportunity to have a relationship that would have otherwise not existed is another reason college is completely worth attending. Even if it is not a boyfriend, but a close friendship with a foreign student or person who is not from the area, college begins some otherwise impossible but valuable friendships. 
    There are a ton of other great parts of college life. There are also many frustrating parts. Living in a dorm means sharing a small space. I was super lucky and got a really nice roommate with whom I got along with really well. However, living in a dorm also means neighbors. Lots of close neighbors. Sometimes they are loud, drunk, annoying or all of the above. Other times, you are the one being too loud and annoying them. Either way, making friends early and keeping your door open (when it's not quiet hours) is some of the best advice for creating a friendship between floor mates. When there is a friendship, it is usually a lot easier to communicate what you want.
    Another part of college that may be sad or frustrating is keeping up with old friends from home. Many of my friends from high school chose to go to a college that was 5 hours away from me. Even with all the technology like Facebook, Skype, and texting, it was hard for me to keep in touch with my faraway friends. Like I said before, college is a time of self discovery. With self discovery comes change. By the end of the year, I realized I didn't really know some of the friends I had in high school anymore. Sometimes, I found my efforts to talk to distant friends were not returned. Maybe it was because they were busy with work or new friends. Maybe it was because they had changed and really did not know what to say to me. I found that the friends I really cared about were the ones I continued to contact. The others, while still important, were not as important as I may have thought. I learned that with self discovery comes some realizations about true friends. Distance is hard on a relationship, no matter the type. Some survive and some don't. Rather than being sad about the ones that didn't make it, I focus on all the new ones I gained. Though it is hard to lose a bond with someone, hopefully what you gained from going to college and creating the distance was worth it. Luckily, I went to school in an area where three colleges are closely situated, so I had some friends nearby anytime I wanted to visit. The small link to home was just what I needed some days. 
   Overall, the first year of college was everything I could have ever hoped for and more. I am already looking forward to going back. I did not even really want to come home when my parents came to help me move out of my dorm. Funny how much of a change it was from the beginning of the year when I wasn't sure about leaving at all. I have a feeling that before I know it, I will be headed back to school. Summer is short, so I am going to enjoy it while it is here. I hope that anyone wavering on the decision to go to college can read this and realize that if a shy girl who thought she would never make it on her own can do it, anyone can. 
  Now, I must finish this so I can get packing for my trip to Italy! (also a product of college) Don't forget to check back soon for pictures and journals of what I'm doing overseas. Until next time: Write on, Friends!
  I just wanted to put up a quick update, since I am sure everyone reading this probably knows I am back in the states. I got back on Wednesday night around 10 p.m. after landing in Fargo. I stayed with some family there and got up the next day to drive home. The trip was more fun than I could have ever expected. The people I went with are now close friends, and I find myself missing them. It is strange, but so cool, how quickly we all became close friends. I know we will all be seeing each other again soon, because we all have expressed how much we miss everyone. These friendships alone made the trip worth the cost and time. I have never done anything like this before, and I can definitely see myself doing it again. 
    I would like to thank everyone who was kind enough to read my blog while I was traveling. I recieved a few emails and have heard from my parents and other relatives that there are many people out there waiting for more. It is such an incredible feeling to know that people are reading this, and most importantly, really liking it. So, thank you very much. I tried to send along as much as I had time to type, but as my daily reports say, we were a busy group. As soon as I finish writing this, I will begin to add more to the Travel Journal part. I cannot promise a ton of progress right away, though. I am still pretty jet lagged. Almost every time I sit down to work, the end result is for me to fall asleep. It is a seven hour difference between here and Rome, so I am still almost completely backwards. 
    With that said, I am well aware there are, dare I call them, fans waiting for more details of my travels. I promise they are coming. Thanks again to all my readers. You are deeply appreciated. Now I am going to try to add some more days to the journal before I fall unconcious again. Until next time: Write on, friends!

June 9th, 2013

August 10th, 2013

    It has been a while since I have updated this. So much has happened since the last time I wrote. It wasn't any adventure across Italy, but I have been busy as ever. After finally catching up with the time zone, I was sick for a week or so. I think it was a lingering bug from traveling, but I can't be sure. Once I got over that little bump, I got back in the swing of working at the Dairy Queen. I spent lots of time in our pool and out on the river. 
    I have a few papers to write for the class that sent me to Italy, but it is summer so reasons for procrastination are not in short supply. When I finally finished my travel journal (a month later), I was only one third of the way done with the writing required for the class. I wrote a short, five page essay and now all I have left is a research paper. I have put it off too long, and even now I am writing this instead because I really, really do not want to start the 10 page monster I must do eventually. 
    My summer has been nothing short of busy. I spent some time commuting the hour to my boyfriend's hometown to visit. It was strange not seeing him everyday like I was used to in school, but we made it work. We saw lots of movies (Monster's University, The Conjuring, Now You See Me, The Wolverine, and more I can't think of). I spent his birthday with him at his cabin, which was fun. It was nice to get to know his family a little better. We recently went to Valleyfair, and not too long before that, a Twins game. I have spent a great deal of time outside of Little Falls this summer, and I am not too sad about it.  
     On Monday, my parents helped me move my stuff into my first apartment. It is on campus, which is nice. Rent is included on my tuition bill, which is nice, too. I have three roommates with which I share a kitchen and living room. Each pair of girls has their own bedroom and bathroom. I hope I can get some pictures up soon so everyone can see. I am not going to actually stay in Moorhead until classes start; about two weeks from now. I am so anxious to go back. I really didn't even want to come home after getting unpacked. 
     My boyfriend, Nick, got his first apartment off campus. I stayed a couple days in Moorhead to get my, and his, stuff unpacked. The place was pretty nice for a first apartment. Both he and I think it is strange we will be making all our own food this year, after having a meal plan last year. I know that scares our moms ;)
    Now, I am back home. I ripped out the carpet in my room yesterday. There were beautiful Oak floors underneath. It was a change for the better. Next week, we are having our annual gargage sale, so there is much work to be done in preparation for that. Then, there is the paper to write that I am currently putting off. All this has to happen in the next two weeks. I am feeling the pressure, and school hasn't even started yet! 
     I suppose I should get down to business. Ten pages isn't much for me, but when I don't want to write, there is no telling how long it could take. Nevertheless, it must be done. Until next time: Write on, Friends! 

November 29th, 2013

    I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. It is hard for me to believe that the first semester of college is only a couple weeks from being over. Time goes by fast! It seems even faster when there is much work to do, and I have not had much relief for the past few months. Even over this much needed break, I have been busy getting work done so it doesn't all hit me right before finals.  
    Aside from my classes, I have been working for the school newspaper, The Advocate. I am a copy editor, and I also write an article every week. If you would like to get updates, including articles that I write, you can go to Facebook or Twitter and like or follow "The Advocate". If you are not a Twitter or Facebook user, you can go to The Advocate's website here: I will also attach the articles I have wrtten as seperate links so they are easier to find if you wish to look. 
1) Author brings humor to Hansen theatre stage
2)Biology prof discusses fish predator research
3)Faculty, staff donate money to fall fundraising campaign
4)History students write stories for prarie public radio
5)Senate:Vote Nov. 5 or risk losing poll site
6)Advoasks:Resume, interview tips to achieve that dream job
7)Indigenous peoples' symposium sheds light on diversity
8)Find new perspectives in Tanzania
9)Film student finalist in international competition
   There will only be one more paper this semester, so I'll add that article when it is published. Then there will be more from next semester, of course.
    I am also going to attach some of the work I have been doing in one of my classes, Desktop Publishing. The point of the class is to learn how to use programs like InDesign, Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat Pro. I have made some pretty neat things, like a brochure and a newsletter. The newsletter is even interactive. I  have really enjoyed the class, and I hope you enjoy checking out some of my projects. They all took a considerable amount of time, but I enjoyed making them. 
       Tabloid poster
       Alphabet soup(interactive)
    I don't have much else to update on right now. I am sure I will not have time to post anything here before Christmas, so Merry Christmas! I can say that now Thanksgiving is past, right? Anyway, to anyone else facing finals, I wish you luck. Until next time: Write on, friends!

March 29, 2014

   Happy 2014 everybody! I'm not too late to say that, am I? I wasn't really planning to write on here today, because I really didn't have much to say. If you remember, I started this with the intention to only write when I was inspired. Well, I have had an inspiring moment. 
   People often forget, including me, how powerful words can be. They can be used for good, or they can be used for evil. When they are used for good, it can change a person's whole life, opinion of his or her self or even the mood he or she is in. I have gotten a few compliments and comments about this blog, and it means a lot to me to know that I am not the only one who looks at this. Those comments are what keep me going and keep me motivated to follow my career dreams. 
   However, today I received a different kind of compliment; one from a peer. I appreciate compliments where ever they come from, but there is something especially powerful about getting one from some one my own age. Today, I was reminded why I love to write by that one simple compliment: because words have power. Today, I was reminded what a simple "hello, I appreciate what you are doing" can do for a person. 
   I have been on YouTube, and I have seen some of the stuff people write in the comments. It is most often horrible, hurtful things. I'm not saying this is the only site with this problem; all of them have it, but YouTube is always the first to pop into my mind. Imagine what could happen if all that hate was turned into compliments instead. If the harsh criticism of people's work posted to sharing sites was turned into constructive criticism, think of what could be created! 
  In many of my classes, both design and writing, I am asked to critique other people's work. The one thing every teacher says is to offer what you like about someone else's work before ripping it apart. All too often, people forget how good it feels to have people say they like what you made/drew/sewed/created/painted/sculpted, and that starting with a compliment makes the critisim more valuable because the creater knows that there is at least one thing you like about what they do.  
  The second ever article I wrote for The Advocate was about a presentation a professor gave on campus. I admit that I was not that excited to attend, as it was not really a topic I cared all that much about. But then the professor started talking, and I found myself very engrossed in what he had to say. So much so that I had to remind myself that I was here on assignment and needed to take notes. The day after the paper came out, I got an email from the professor whom I had written about. He said how much he enjoyed reading the article. It was the best thing that happened to me that day, and I still have that email saved for when I feel like no one reads or appreciates what I write. I was new to the whole reporting thing, and his message of appreciation fueled my future articles. 
   I guess the main message I want to leave people with is that words are power, and we must be careful how we use them. Your mother was right when she said "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." 
  Moving on, I guess I could add the articles I have written so far this year. I had some new experiences this semester including the opportunity to write an opinion piece and also the opportunity to lay out the sports pages one week when the sports editor was gone. Though, you guys won't be able to see that unless you pick up a hard copy. The link the The Advocate website is listed in the above post. Here are my individual articles:  
         1)New Strategies aim to increase enrollment
         2)Advo Spotlight: Political Science prof does it all
         3) iMac sale cramped, unorganized
         4)Professors should not require attendance
         5)Students pose questions to graduate, law school panel
         6)Dragons App connects fans
         7)Founders scholarship gala unites donors, recipients
         8)Speakers prompt discussion about "N" word
         9)"Inferno" ballet features six MSUM dancers
       10)Spread the word to end the word
I also have been working on some design projects. So far I have only turned one in, so I'll post that here as well. Hopefully, I'll have more to show by the end of May. 
Creative Brief Layout assignment
  As my second year of college is coming to a close, I have many things to do! I am taking the plunge into adulthood and moving off campus. I begin apartment hunting this week! I am excited and a little nervous, but I know it will all work out. Since I live in an on-campus apartment right now, my lease goes until the end of May, so no packing while trying to study for finals like last year. Yay!
  I also made the decision to stay in the Fargo-Moorhead area this summer. I will be taking a few classes, but I will also be working. So, I will begin the job hunt soon after I find an apartment. I'm not quite sure what I want to do yet, but that leaves the door of possibility wide open, and I am willing to try anything! HIRE ME! 
   With all of this stuff to do, it is likely that you won't be hearing from me until after finals for sure. Until next time; Write on, friends!

August 11th, 2014

   When did it get to be August?! I can't believe the last time I posted something was all the way back in March. I can, however, assure you I have not been sitting idle since then. In fact, my summer has been anyting but a vacation.
    It's nothing like going to Italy, but these past few months have kept me very busy just the same. I found an apartment off campus that had everything I wanted for a decent price. I made an appointment to look at it and put in my down payment and application the same day. My mom had to co-sign for me since I have very little credit, but other than that the renting process has gone off without a hitch. About two weeks later, I found a full time job for the summer with good hours (8-5 Monday through Friday). It was a relief to know I could pay for the apartment I just rented. I went through finals week relatively unstressed, and closed out the second year of my college adventure.
   About two weeks after school ended, I said goodbye to on campus living, and with the help of my parents, moved in to my new place. Luckily the first of the month was a Sunday, so I had all day to move, but the bummer was not being able to spend much time there before I had to get back to work again.
   I work for a temporary service staffing company, so I ended up switching jobs mid July. I was supposed to work through the end of the summer at my first assignment, but plans changed. I was sad to leave; I really liked the people and the work, but it was a good experience and something completely differnet from making ice cream. My new job does not keep me as busy, and there is a lot of down time. I don't mind because I get to catch up on my reading! Did I mention the South Fargo public library is just a few blocks from my apartment? You bet I have a library card!
   Backing up a little, I decided to take summer classes since I was staying in the area this year. I took 10 credits (almost full time status). I have to say, I have a new respect for people who work and go to school full time. I was exhuasted by the end of most days, and I often had to squeeze in homework during my lunch break. One of my classes was on campus, and two were online. For a while, I had to get up at 6:15a.m.; leave my apartment by 7:40a.m. to get to work; leave work at 5 p.m.; run home to change and stuff in a small snack; get back in the car by 5:30 p.m. to get to campus in Moorhead; then sit in class until 8:p.m. That makes for some long, tiring days.
   My summer classes ended August 1st, and my schedule now is much nicer. I start work at 9 a.m. instead of 8, and my workplace is close enough for me to bike instead of drive. It is even on the way to the libaray, so I often stop there after work to browse the shelves. I am soaking in these last two weeks before my summer offically ends. Fall classes start August 25th, and I can't say I'm looking forward to it.
   With that said, I know taking these classes this summer was for the best. The classes I took were condensed into a shorter time, but I still get the same amount of credits for them as someone who takes them for an entire semester. One of the classes I took was required, and I was not interested in taking it at all, so I'm glad I decided to get it out of the way when I did.
   As for The Advocate, I'll be working there again this year. I've moved from Copy Editor to Opinon Editor, and I am looking forward to the challenge of new duties. I am hoping this experience will allow me to land the intership I applied for this summer. I was a close contender, but my young age and lack of page layout skills was what eventually ruled me out. So, I'll give it another go this year, and hopefully get the job!
    On another note, my parents decided to sell the DQ, and the freedom that has followed has been bliss for them. I am so happy for my parents, and especailly my dad. He has worked basically every weekend since he began working in highschool, so he definitely deserves all the time to do what he wants now. I am also happy for my mom, too. I never understood until I started dating, but it gets depressing to know that every night is going to be spent apart from the person you love. Having my dad around has made her happy.
   I have a few more articles from last years Advo to add, so I'll update this post with those later. I also have some more projects I worked on for my desgin class that I'd like to share, too.
  As always, Until next time: Write on, friends!
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